Hello Upham Community,

The hybrid model will begin at the end of next week and I wanted to share with you the protocols and procedures for you and your children. I am sharing this information during a Zoom call(see meeting link below) tonight from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM. This document can also serve as a reference note if you cannot join the Zoom meeting.


Our arrival will begin at 8:30 AM. Please do not drop off children before 8:30 AM. There will be NO Supervision and the playground will not be available. Kindergarten will enter through the K doors. First grade will enter through the front door near the playground. Second grade will use the second-grade doors. Third and fourth grades will use the courtyard doors. Fifth grade will use the main entrance. If you are tardy please use the main entrance and report to the office. Masks must be worn at all times. Students will walk directly to their classrooms and find their desks. The teacher will then allow each student to put away their supplies for the day and to maintain 6 feet of social distancing.


We will be eating lunch outside under the tent(located on the upper field) as weather permits. Each child will need to bring a beach towel to sit on. We will be providing three lunchtimes throughout the hybrid program. Grades 2 and 3 eat lunch at 11:25 AM-11:55 AM. K and 1 eat from 12:00 PM-12:30 PM. Grades 4 and 5 eat from 12:35 PM-1:05 PM. All of the times include recess and lunch. Here is the link to Whitson’s menu: https://www.fdmealplanner.com/#menu/mealPlanner/75/419/2 

Please, please no dropping off of lunches, sneakers, or homework. We are limiting the number of adults and traffic into the building.


The cohorts will be provided mask breaks throughout the day as well as a morning recess and as you read above a lunch recess. During the hybrid, the students will be with their cohorts only. We have designated different areas on the playground for the cohorts to play in and they will rotate through those during the lunch/recess time. The cohorts cannot play together in the same area and they cannot commingle. I fully understand this is easier written than can be tolerated or practiced by 5 to 11-year-old children. We will do the best we can. Masks must be worn at all times.


Listed are the symptoms to watch for…

  • Fever (above 100F) or feeling feverish

  • Cough (not due to other known cause)

  • Shortness of breath /difficulty breathing

  • New loss of smell/taste

  • Sore throat                                                            

  • Muscle/body aches

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

  • Headache (when in combination with other symptoms)

  • Fatigue (when in combination with other symptoms)

  • New nasal congestion or new runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies) when in combination with other symptoms

If your child is presenting any of these symptoms… DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL.

What happens if my child gets sick at school?

Parents/guardians will be requested to pick up their child as soon as possible(within an hour of being contacted)-there can be no prolonged waiting between parent notification of the need for dismissal and actual dismissal. There is a supervised medical waiting room separate from the nurse’s office for your child to wait. The nurse will then give you the next steps for testing and other guidelines.

General Guidelines

We have plenty of signage and reminders for social distancing placed in the hallways throughout the building. Children will need to bring a water bottle. The water fountain will be closed but the watering station can be used for filling. Bathrooms are limited to two students per visit and our specialist teachers will be presenting their lessons in the teacher’s classrooms to cut down on hallway traffic. All desks will be distanced 6 feet apart and facing the white/active boards for presentation. Assigned seating and a seating chart will be maintained within the classroom. Please send your child with snacks because they will be hungry and we will maintain distancing while snacking.


We will maintain attendance throughout the hybrid program. If your child is absent during the in-school portion of the hybrid or the online portion please contact the office, give us the reason for the absence and other pertinent information. 


Our dismissal will begin as the bell rings at 3:05 PM. To maintain safe social distancing we will dismiss walkers and bike riders first followed by kindergarten with a 1-minute interval for the following first through fifth grades. All siblings will be dismissed together. Masks must be worn at all times.

Important Dates

9/28 Monday – Yom Kippur (No School)

9/29 Tuesday- Full Remote Full Day (Cohorts A & B attend)

9/30 Wednesday – Full Remote Half Day (Cohorts A & B attend)

10/1 Thursday – Hybrid Full Day (cohort A is in-person)

10/2 Friday – Hybrid Full Day (cohort B is in-person) 

I know this was a ton of information and I do apologize. Please join us tonight if possible. It is always good to see everyone. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to reach out. YOU ARE NOT BOTHERING ME! This is why I am here.

Tonight’s Zoom at 7:00 PM

https://wellesleyps.zoom.us/j/92778415145?pwd=cXBGVXNYVFlCcXRSTlF2b1c2Qm55QT09 Meeting ID: 927 7841 5145 Password: 25TU7RL%V

Thank you for your support.

Dare to Dream,

Mr. Dees

Principal’s Message
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