Wellesley Public Schools is in the process of implementing the Employee Records system from PowerSchool TalentEd. You may now find many of your commonly needed General HR Forms, such as the W-4 and M-4 tax withholding forms in Employee Records.
Employee Records – End User Guide (PDF)
Login to Employee Records with your usual WPS Google Username and Password. If you have any difficulties or questions please contact askhr@wellesleyps.org.
Automated system emails you may receive from Records will come from this address: Wellesley School District <do-not-reply@ted.peopleadmin.com>
Commonly requested Human Resource and Payroll Department forms
- Unit A Tuition-Reimbursement-Request-Form-2024-2025
- Unit C Tuition-Reimbursement-Request-Form-2024-2025
- Timesheets
- Mass Teachers Retirement System Name Address or Beneficiary Change form
- DESE Educator’s License Name Change Instructions
- Educator License – Idle Status Removal Status
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
- Gift Disclosure Form Less than $50
- Worker’s Compensation
- Student Teacher Interns Pre-practicum packet
- Lane Changes – Course Approval for Lane Changes Forms