What’s New:

Academic Calendar Task Force: On March 19, 2024, the School Committee appointed a task force to make recommendations regarding the observance of religious and cultural holidays within the Wellesley Public Schools Academic Calendar. The task force includes a variety of stakeholders, including members of the School Committee, members of WPS faculty and staff, WPS parents, and Wellesley High School students, and is subject to the Open Meeting Law. Please see the dedicated page for the Academic Calendar Task Force


School Committee Statements and Resolutions:

About the School Committee:
The School Committee is a legislative body comprised of 5 members elected during town elections in March and who serve 3-year terms. In addition to supporting the core values, vision and mission of the Wellesley Public Schools, the Committee’s responsibilities are to:

  • Develop and manage school policies
  • Support the allocation of resources by overseeing budget & facilities
  • Hire and review superintendent of schools
  • Advocate for the school district

School Committee Member Roles & Assignments

To send a message to the School Committee & Superintendent, please email: School_Committee@wellesleyps.org

School Committee Members:

Craig E. Mack, Ed.D., Chair
Linda Chow, Vice Chair
Christina I. Horner, M.Ed., Secretary
Sharon Clarke, Member
Niki Ofenloch, Member

School Committee Bios – Click on a name above to see their bio

METCO Representatives to School Committee:  Nicole Daley and Dr. Joanne DaSilva Moreira

Student Advisory Committee:   Niles Bowditch, Sofia Dobado, Evelyn Harrison, Armita Hamrah, and Ivy Wang

Meeting Times and Materials:

Meetings are held primarily on Tuesdays remotely online via Wellesley Media. Please check the Town of Wellesley Agenda Center and Meeting Calendar for up-to-date information on meeting dates and agendas. Refer to Agendas, Presentations & Minutes  for materials from meetings that have already taken place.

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Watch School Committee Meetings on Wellesley Media:

Online at wellesleymedia.org
Comcast 8 & 9
Verizon 39 & 40


The School Committee is pleased to offer Office Hours virtually, once a month during the school year.  Office Hours provide the community an opportunity for engagement with one or two members of the Committee.  Future dates for the 2024-25 school year will be established and posted in late summer. Please check back to this page for opportunities beginning in September.

Community members who wish to engage with the Committee but cannot attend office hours are encouraged to participate in Public Comment at a future meeting, or email the Committee and the Superintendent at school_committee@wellesleyps.org.

Members also participate in monthly Central Council meetings to discuss relevant issues.

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