Annina Hsieh

Photo of Annina Hsieh


Voice instructor Annina Hsieh is a Boston-based soprano and educator. Praised for her sensitivity as a performer, Hsieh strives to connect with audiences in opera and recital settings, and was the 2019 winner of the Handel and Haydn Society’s Barbara E. Maze Award for Musical Excellence. She completed her Master of Music in Voice Performance at Cleveland Institute of Music, and her Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance at Ithaca College. As a teacher, Hsieh works with students to develop and use their natural voice to express themselves through song. Hsieh believes that, above all, lessons should be tailored to each student’s learning style and musical goals. She works with beginning and advanced students of all ages and has taught students in classical, musical theater, jazz, folk, and pop repertoire.

Categories: IVEP Teacher, Voice

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