There are many retailers that rent or sell instruments. Parents may wish to consult with their private lesson teacher or ensemble director for recommendations. Parents should contact a vendor directly for rental or purchase information.

The following is a list of instrument vendors who have been approved through the WPS bid process. Continuing students may make arrangements with a vendor in advance to pick up an instrument at Registration Night or have it delivered to your school.

Please note, sizing guides for string instruments can be found online, but the best way to ensure your student receives the correct sized instrument is to have your child present when selecting an instrument.

Please use caution and consult with your private teacher if considering purchasing an instrument online or from a discount retailer.


Instrument Repairs

Please contact your vendor as needed for repairs throughout the year. All vendors listed include repairs in the price of your instrument rental.

Before leaving an instrument for repair, please contact your vendor. Vendors only visit as-needed. Instruments may be left in the school or performing arts office. Instruments being left for pick up need to be labeled with the student’s name, parent phone number, description of the needed repair, and the name of the rental vendor. Please inform the secretary when dropping off an instrument of who will be picking up it up.

Please inquire about a “loaner” instrument so that lessons and ensemble participation are not disrupted. Typically, a repair is not a valid reason to not have your weekly private lesson.


Privately owned instruments can be sent out for repair to our recommended vendors through the Performing Arts office. The owners will bear the cost of repair and will need to supply billing information to the vendor. Please make sure the instrument is labeled with “private repair”, the student’s name, parent phone number, description of the needed repair, and the name of the vendor.