Location WHS Technology Suite Room 356
Phone: 781-446-6290 ;4700
Website: IT Status Updates
Website: Submit a Support Ticket
Location Raiders Tech Deck WMS Room 201
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5400
Website: IT Status Updates
Website: Submit a Support Ticket
K-12 Technology Staff:
Central Office Dial by Name Directory: 781-446-6210
Click here for an Alphabetical Technology Staff Directory
Location WMS 205
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5419
Email: steinera@wellesleyps.org
Website: Technology Department
Joseph Hutton
IT Operations ManagerCorinne Trani
Administrative Assistant to the Directors of Educational Technology and Libraries and InnovationSystems & Network Administrators:
Zephyr Ntimanduenga
Network AdministratorAugusto Saviatto
Systems AdministratorTechnicians:
Mark Mayall
TechnicianEspedito Rivera
TechnicianTechnology Support Specialists:
HelpDesk Specialists:
Location WHS Room 356
Phone: 781-446-6290 ;4640
Email: hershelmanl@wellesleyps.org
Website: https://wellesleyps.org/technology/
Location WHS Room 356
Phone: 781-446-6290 ;4655
Email: mcleoda@wellesleyps.org
Website: https://wellesleyps.org/technology/
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;3620
Email: simpsonj@wellesleyps.org
Website: https://wellesleyps.org/technology/
Instructional Technology Specialists:
Location WMS Tech Deck
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;3621
Email: allierib@wellesleyps.org
Website: Tech Department Website
Blog: https://wellesleyps.org/technology/blog/
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5434
Email: HoglundJ@wellesleyps.org
Website: Tech Department Website
Blog: https://wellesleyps.org/technology/blog/
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5432
Email: JankinsA@wellesleyps.org
Website: Elementary iPads
Blog: https://wellesleyps.org/technology/jankinsa/
Pete Ritter
1:1 Coordinator/ Instructional Technology Specialist
Phone: 781-446-6290 ;4644
Email: sriramr@wellesleyps.org
Website: Tech Department Website
Blog: https://wellesleyps.org/technology/blog/