Dear P.A.W.S. Community Members,

This week had been a whirlwind of excitement around P.A.W.S. as students and families get ready to begin their summer holiday and teachers savor their last opportunities to share a few more important lessons with students before they head off to new adventures next year.

As we approach the last day of our school year at P.A.W.S. tomorrow, Friday, June 17, 2016, we prepare ourselves to say farewell to students, parents and family members who have become such an important part of our daily lives, and who have added immeasurably to the fabric and wellbeing of our school community. Thank you to the many parent volunteers, to our amazing PTO Co-Presidents Jenn Fallon and Rose Nolan and for the contributions from so many parents, family members and friends of P.A.W.S. for their continuous support of our faculty and staff throughout the school year. Your partnership, care, fund raising, and dedication have helped enrich the lives of every member of the P.A.W.S. community. We are grateful for all of you!

For students moving on to kindergarten, we wish you all the best! May you continue to grow into inquisitive, thoughtful, kind, creative, problem solvers! We will miss you, but are excited for you as you move on to the elementary school! You are always welcome to come back to visit us, and hope you will check in from time to time to show us how much you have grown!

For our students who will return to P.A.W.S. in September, we are excited to be able to continue to work with you! Orientation for new and returning P.A.W.S. families and students will be September 1st and 2nd. The first days of school for P.A.W.S. will be September 6th and 7th, depending on your child’s schedule. More information will be coming during the summer, but please save the dates!

As some teachers and specialists write their end of the year reports and host their final meetings of this school year, others are preparing special events for the children on their last day of school tomorrow. The end of the year Progress Reports will be mailed to you next week. Next week, some teachers will begin to pack up their classrooms to prepare for a series of moves this summer. Sheri is moving from Upham to Hunnewell. Danielle is moving from Fiske to P.A.W.S. and Abby will move from P.A.W.S to Fiske! Four classrooms will be packed up and moved to the High School for the P.A.W.S. Summer Program while the P.A.W.S. parking lot is renovated this summer! Please be aware that the P.A.W.S. and Fiske campuses will be fenced off, and off limits until the construction is completed in mid-August.

This week we celebrate the retirement of our wonderful Speech and Language Pathologist, friend and colleague, Janet Schmidt. We say farewell to our gifted and caring Occupational Therapist, Elvira Fulchino; our creative and talented Teaching Assistant Cora Meginsky; and our dedicated and collaborative Speech and Language Pathologist Hannah Lacey. We wish them well as they each pursue advances in their careers! We will miss them all, and we hope to see them back from time to time to visit!

Thank you for a wonderful year! We hope you enjoy a safe and fun-filled summer with your families! Please be sure to give your children plenty of opportunities to read, play, run, jump, read, roll, create, sing, dance, read, rest, dream, doodle, read, explore, wonder, question, read, relax and enjoy!


‘Becca Z.

P.A.W.S. Last Day of School
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