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WMS uses an online form for reporting all Absences, Tardies, and Dismissals. Please provide at least a half hour notification for Dismissals. You may bookmark this form as an icon on your phone using this video tutorial.
~Today is Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Day 5
~Block rotation: B, C, A, Advisory, D, F, G, E
~Lunch: 6, 8, 7
Attention 8th grade chorus members: your after school rehearsal at the High School begins at 3 pm today.
Intramural Basketball will be in Gym A today after school and the fitness center is open.
The answer to yesterday’s Black History Month trivia is: Madam CJ Walker invented a line of cosmetics and hair care products. Today’s question is: In what city did the National Guard prevent nine Black students from attending a segregated school in 1957? If you think you know the answer, come down to the main office to make your guess. Stay tuned tomorrow for the answer and a new question.
Today’s Spirit Week theme is “Anything but a Backpack”. We are seeing some creative ideas already in our school this morning. Tomorrow’s theme for Spirit Week is “Rhyme without a Reason”. Work in trios, pairs, or individually to dress in something that feels like an opposite, e.g., cat in the hat, clocks and socks, etc.
6th grade tutoring for students in the METCO program will take place right after school today. Please report directly to the library.
The bus to Boston will leave at 3:30 today. The late bus in Wellesley also leaves at 3:30. All students need to listen for the PA announcement for their departure from WMS.
Anyone interested in signing up for the WMS Fencing Program this spring can pick up a sign-up form on the intramural board outside the cafeteria or in the main office. All forms need to be turned into Mr. Johnson no later than March 20th. Any questions, please see Mr. Johnson.
Have a good day everyone!
Upcoming Dates:
Day 6
Wednesday, February 12
Day 1
Thursday, February 13 -
Faculty Mtg.
Thursday, February 13 -
Choral Step Up Concert
Thursday, February 13 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Wellesley High School, 50 Rice St, Wellesley, MA 02481, USA
Day 2
Friday, February 14
WPS: February Break - Schools Closed
Monday, February 17 -
February Break
Monday, February 17 - Friday, February 21 @
February Break
Monday, February 17 - Friday, February 21 @ -
WPS: February Break - Schools Closed
Tuesday, February 18
February Break
Monday, February 17 - Friday, February 21 @ -
WPS: February Break - Schools Closed
Wednesday, February 19
February Break
Monday, February 17 - Friday, February 21 @ -
WPS: February Break - Schools Closed
Thursday, February 20
February Break
Monday, February 17 - Friday, February 21 @ -
WPS: February Break - Schools Closed
Friday, February 21
Day 3
Monday, February 24 -
6th Grade Chorus Rehearsal
Monday, February 24 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm The Rivers School Conservatory, 331 Winter St, Weston, MA 02493, USA
Day 4
Tuesday, February 25 -
WPS: School Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 25 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
View more dates in our monthly view calendar…
Principal: Mark Ito itom@wellesleyps.org
Secretary: Patty Chong
Office Email: wps-ms-Main-Office-Staff@wellesleyps.org
Nurses: Kristina Gusmini, Caroline Reading
50 Kingsbury Street, Wellesley MA 02481 • Map & Directions
Office Tel: 781-446-6250
Voice Mail: 781-446-6235
Fax: 781-446-6208
Absences, Tardies, and Dismissals Online Form
School Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 7:40 am – 2:29 pm
Office Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 7:00 am – 4:15 pm