Photo of six Children with the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) logo
Topic: Digital Citizenship, Cyberbullying and Screen Time
When:  Thursday, December 15, 2016, 7-8:30 p.m.
Who: Dr. Elizabeth Englander from the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) at Bridgewater State University
Where:  WMS Auditorium
Made possible by grant money, Dr. Englander’s presentation will cover the challenges parents face with modern-day middle school students on the issues of screen time, social conflict, bullying, cyberbullying, and the use and over use of social media.  This presentation will give parents concrete tips and new perspectives about how to address and educate their children about using social media and how to maximize their social success in school and online. The goal is to help families feel more in control of digital technology and social dynamics.  Attendees will learn about research on the most effective ways that parents/guardians can address common digital struggles while helping their children socially.The event is open to all members of our community.  Many thanks to our WPS Technology Department for bringing this important topic to our school.

Information about the MARC Center can be found here (
Presentation! Digital Citizenship, Cyberbullying and Screen Time
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