Dear Bates Families,

First, I want to acknowledge the uneasiness that news of the recent social media post regarding school violence may have caused for parents and some children at Bates.   Please know that the Wellesley Public Schools works closely with the Wellesley Police Department on matters such as this, and in this case we were notified and assured that there was no credible threat against Wellesley.   Regardless, please know that your child’s safety is always our top priority.  Every staff member is trained in how to anticipate and respond to potential safety concerns.  In addition, we will always inform you of any legitimate concern. 

Winter Concert

At this time of year we would typically host a Bates winter concert with an audience of parents and students.  This winter’s concert, with performances by the fifth grade chorus and the Bates/ Upham orchestra, will be pre-recorded and a video link will be shared with you on Wednesday, December 22.  Students will watch the concert in their classrooms on Wednesday morning and we hope families will enjoy the performance on video as well.

Year End Vacation

Please note that students will be dismissed on December 23 for the year end vacation.  School will resume on January 3, 2022.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Warm regards,

Toni Jolley

Bates Buzz 12.17.21
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