The Bates School is happy to help with the private school application process. Please call or email the Bates office to initiate the process and complete the necessary release form below. This form will need to be completed and received by the school office prior to any record release. If the private school participates in the Ravenna admission system, all records will be sent electronically. Please make sure you list the attending school as the Katharine Lee Bates Elementary, not simply Bates Elementary. In order for the school to send requested records via the U.S. Mail, please submit a 9 x 12” stamped mailing envelope for each school your child is applying to. Address the envelope but leave the return address blank. Please attach $2.00 postage to each envelope.
If you are requesting teacher recommendations, please note that teachers need at least two weeks upon receipt of the recommendation request in order to complete the recommendation. Teachers are not expected to complete recommendations over school vacation weeks.
Please call the office if you have any questions.
SY23-24 Private School Consent Form