Dear Bates Families,

We really enjoyed the sunshine today at Bates.  What a great way to close out our week!  This is just a quick note to share that we’ve had a very smooth transition this week to the mask optional environment.  Students in all grades have been respectful and supportive of others’ decisions about wearing a mask.  In addition, students have enjoyed the return to eating at cafeteria tables with their classmates at lunch.  I hope that you received a positive report from your child as well.  

On Wednesday we will gather for our first indoor Community Meeting in two years.  In addition, there is a lot of excitement in the building about the Book Fair next week.  At Bates we support all children to participate in purchasing a book at the Book Fair.  Financial assistance is available.  If you are interested in assistance, please email me at

Finally, the Wellesley Middle School Red Cross Club has asked Bates to participate in their Totes for Hope campaign.  They are collecting necessities such as toiletries and clothing for veterans.  See the flier below for more details.  A box will be in the Bates lobby for the next two weeks to collect any donations.  Thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to set your clocks forward for Daylight Savings Time!



Bates Buzz 3.11.22
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