Dear Bates,

This week Bates students enjoyed the STEAM Week visual math activity.  Students worked in partners and small groups, using their creativity and problem solving skills to solve an engaging spatial puzzle.  If you are interested in continuing and enriching this type of spatial reasoning for your child at home, there are many commercial activities available. Here is a list of a variety of spatial awareness games for elementary age children. 

Halloween Parade

As a reminder our Halloween parade will start at 8:45 am on Thursday, October 31.  Students who wish to participate in the parade should wear their costume to school and bring a change of clothes for after the parade.  Classes will walk around the school building two times.  Please note:

  • Any child who does not wish to participate in the parade is invited to participate in a fun activity in the gym.  

  • Costumes should be appropriate for a K-5 audience.  No masks, face coverings or weapons may be brought to school.

  • Families are invited!  Please stand anywhere on the parade route, off to the side of the sidewalks where students will walk.  

Principal Coffee on Thursday

Please join me for a discussion of safety protocols and our student safety drill on Thursday, immediately following the Halloween parade.  We will meet in the library.  I will share information in my weekly email as well.

Finally, at the Bates PTO meeting on Tuesday night I presented our 2024 MCAS results. Please see the slide deck linked below for highlights of the information shared.

Have a very nice weekend.

Best regards,

Toni Jolley

MCAS 2024 

Important Dates:

Thursday, October 31 

Halloween Parade, 8:45 am (families invited to attend)

Principal’s Coffee with Families, 9:15-10:00 am in the library

Friday, November 1 

No School – Diwali 

Thursday, November 7 

Early Dismissal – Parent Teacher Conferences

Monday, November 11

No School – Veterans Day

Bates Buzz 10.25.24