Dear Bates,

The Bates Mini-Marathon is just over a week away!  On Wednesday, April 13 families are invited to cheer the runners on from the sidewalk in front of the school or on the blacktop and playground area in back.  Below are listed the times each grade will be running.  Bates has a special tradition of raising funds for Friends of Wellesley METCO, Inc.  For those who wish to participate in this effort, a pledge sheet is attached here.  Donations will be collected until May 20.  

Kindergarten and grade 1 classrooms are in need of a few volunteers to pin bibs on the runners.  If you are able to help, please sign up here.  

Finally, thank you to our PTO for hosting the annual Spaghetti Dinner on Tuesday, April 12 at 6 pm here at Bates.  For more information, check the Sunday Bates PTO blast!

Thank you for supporting the Bates Mini-Marathon!



2022 Mini-Marathon Schedule

  Wednesday, April 13

9:00-9:20 am — Kindergarten

9:30-9:50 am — 1st Grade

10:00-10:20 am — 3rd Grade

10:30-10:50 am — 5th Grade

11:00-11:20 am — 2nd Grade

11:30-11:50 am — 4th Grade

We ask that parents and families please cheer from the sidewalk in front of Bates, or by the blacktop/playground area in the back. Thank you! 

Bates Mini-Marathon
Secured By miniOrange