Dear Bates,

It’s been a great first full week of school at Bates.  This week our fifth graders started their weekly jobs: safety patrol, front playground help, raising the flag, and saying the morning announcements.  Our students are already doing a great job with these responsibilities.  

Back to School Night

Please join us for Back to School Night on Thursday, September 19!  If you are unable to make it, please reach out to your child’s teacher to let them know and to learn about the information shared.  

6:30 – 7:00 pm K-2 Classroom visits

7:00-7:30 pm Principal greeting in the gym

7:30 – 8:00 Grades 3-5 Classroom visits

Tardy Arrivals: New Procedure

New this year, if your child arrives after 8:30 am, an adult must walk them to the front door to sign them in.  Thank you for your assistance with this procedure and arriving on time for school each day.

A Conversation with School Committee Members: September 26  

Bates parents and caregivers are invited to meet with two members of the School Committee on Thursday, September 26 from 9-10 a.m. on Zoom. This will be an informal discussion regarding current Committee activities as well as an opportunity for Q&A. I will also be in attendance, as will the Superintendent.

The School Committee has five elected members who serve 3-year terms. In addition to supporting the core values, vision and mission of the Wellesley Public Schools, the Committee’s responsibilities are to develop and manage school policies; support the allocation of resources by overseeing budget & facilities; hire and review the superintendent of schools; and advocate for the school district.

The Zoom link for the meeting is here

Community Meeting and Bates Pride!

At Bates we gather together as a school community once a month for a Community Meeting.  We meet in a big circle in the gym to sing, share student learning, read a story, reinforce the 3Bs at Bates and have some fun together.  Our mascot Tux the penguin usually makes an appearance to join in the fun as well.  I look forward to our first Community Meeting on Wednesday, September 18.  We encourage all students and staff to showcase their Bates pride on Wednesday by wearing their Bates Proud t-shirt, the color red or any Bates apparel to school.

Have a great weekend!



Important Dates:

Wednesday, September 18 

Wear your Bates t-shirt to school

Thursday, September 19

Back to School Night

6:30 – 7:00 pm K-2 Classroom visits

7:00-7:30 pm Principal greeting in the gym

7:30 – 8:00 Grades 3-5 Classroom visits

Thursday, September 26 

9:00-10:00 am Conversation with School Committee – Zoom

Bates Buzz 9.13.24