Dear Bates, The snow on Thursday brought a lot of excitement to all of us at school. At Bates we plan to go outside for arrival and recess unless we determine that it’s too wet or the temperature and wind… Continue reading Bates Buzz 12.8.24
Winter 2025 After School Enrichment
Dear Bates Families, Enrollment is now open for Winter 2025 After School Enrichment classes. Please visit this page for class details and information on how to register.
Bates Buzz 11.23.24
Dear Bates, With the rain this week I’d like to share our practice for indicating an indoor arrival. In the event of inclement weather during arrival at Bates, we post an orange flag near the bus loop in front and… Continue reading Bates Buzz 11.23.24
Bates Buzz 11.8.24
Dear Bates, Teachers have really appreciated the time to meet with families for the fall conferences. I hope you have found this time valuable as well. As a reminder, there is no school on Monday in observance of Veterans Day. … Continue reading Bates Buzz 11.8.24
Bates Buzz 11.1.24
Dear Bates, Yesterday was a fun morning with the Halloween parade and also games for students who chose to play in the gym. Afterwards at the Principal Coffee, I shared information about our school safety measures and the safety drills… Continue reading Bates Buzz 11.1.24