To help us better manage student dismissal changes we are now using PickUp Patrol. PickUp Patrol, our online dismissal program, saves us a great deal of time here in the office and reduces interruptions in our classrooms, while still giving you the flexibility you need to make changes to your children’s plans. Most importantly, it helps us get your children safely to their correct after-school destinations
How it works: All families are sent a registration email at the start of the school year. If you have not registered yet, please contact the school so that we can email you a registration link. Changes can be entered from a smartphone or computer days, weeks, or months in advance, and at any time up until 1 hour prior to dismissal on the day of the change. After this time, changes will not be accepted except in the case of an emergency. Such changes can be made via phone directly to the main office. The end of the school day is a busy time, so to ensure the safety of all students, please plan accordingly and limit these exceptions to emergencies ONLY.
Parent Login: https://app.pickuppatrol.net/parents
Add PickUp Patrol to your home screen: How to add PickUp Patrol App to your phone
Email Notifications From PickUp Patrol
When we initiate the PickUp Patrol program you will receive an email from pickuppatrol@pickuppatrol.net with the subject line “It’s Time to Set Up Your PickUp Patrol Account“