May 28, 2021 



Dear PAWS Families,


As we plan for the end of an incredible school year, I am reflecting on how fortunate we were at PAWS to be open, full time, all year!  Thank you to each family for maintaining safe and healthy practices and for partnering with all of the teachers, faculty and staff at PAWS who have worked diligently and consistently to ensure that they and the children have been safe and healthy at school!  Our collective and continuous efforts have helped to keep our doors open and our children safe, happy and able to learn and grow!  As you head into the long Memorial Day weekend, please continue to be safe.


As many of you know, the state now allows the children to remove their masks when playing outside, if they wish.  Some children prefer to keep their masks on, some take them off.  If the children are playing in close proximity to one another, like in the sandbox, they are to keep their masks on.  If you have questions, please reach out to me.


Tie-Dye Day!

In celebration of the end of a wonderful school year, we are going to host a tie-dye day for the children!  Please send in a white, cotton t-shirt with your child on June 1st, 2nd or 3rd. We will use that t-shirt for your child’s tie-dye project. An old t-shirt with a stain is perfectly fine to send in as we will decorate tie-dye right over it!  LINK HERE


If you need assistance providing a t-shirt for your child, please contact me ( with your child’s size and we will provide a t-shirt for your child.


If you are able to send in an extra, new white t-shirt with your child to share with another student, that would be a great help as well!


We are excited to be offering this fun activity for the children!


For children in the RLS, we will make a tie-dye shirt for your child and drop it off at your home for you, or you can schedule a time to pick it up at PAWS.  Please send Sheri and I an email indicating the size t-shirt needed for your child.



iPad Return Time

All preschool students must return their school issued iPads and chargers back to school.  


For children who attend PAWS in-person, you are welcome to send in your iPad and charger any day before the last day of school. Thank you to those of you who have already sent your iPad back to school!


Since RLS students will need their devices through the last day of the school year, June 17th, we will ask families to drop off their students’ iPads/laptops at the PAWS main office on June 17th or June 18th. 


We will have two windows for RLS iPad drop off days:

Thursday, June 17th from 12:30 – 3:00 PM and Friday, June 18th from 8:00 – 10:00 AM.


Tick Safety


Please see THIS helpful Tick Newsletter from our wonderful School Nurses!


Thank you PAWS PTO

Thank you to the PAWS PTO for purchasing butterfly kits and caterpillars for the children to learn about the life cycle of butterflies!  Be sure to ask your child about the butterfly project in their classroom.


Image of butterfly kits and containers with caterpillars.


Thank You Officer Porier and Winnie

Thank you to Officer Kathy Poirier for bringing Winnie the service dog to PAWS to visit all of the children!  We enjoyed learning about and visiting with Winnie! Photos LINK.

Image of photos of Officer Poirier and service dog Winnie visiting with children.


Staff Snacks

Thank you to the Sprague Family, The Pocon-Ramos Family and the Scarpati Family for your wonderful assortment of seltzers, salty and sweet snacks, and frozen yogurt bars for the PAWS staff.  They have been enjoying your thoughtfulness and support. Your kindness and generosity is deliciously appreciated!


To all those with family and friends who have served and who have passed, we honor the memory of those individuals and the sacrifices made. Wishing you all a safe Memorial Day weekend.


Thank you for all of your continued positive support of our P.A.W.S. programs, our faculty and staff!



‘Becca Z.


Important Dates:

  • May 31 – Memorial Day, No School
  • June 1, 2, 3 – Tie-Dye Days – Send in white cotton t-shirt to make into a tie-dye shirt
  • June 1-10 – iPad and charger return – for PAWS in-person students
  • June 9 – 7:00pm – District Community Update
  • June 14/15 –  Wear your Tie-Dye Shirt to School Spirit Day
  • June 17 – Half-Day Last day of school for students – Dismissal will be at 11:45am
  • June 17 & 18 – iPad Return Days for RLS students

Links – 

Tick Newsletter.pdf


Tie-Dye Day Reminder-


Winnie Visit – 

PAWS Postings and Updates 5.28.21