The students in 4TD have been hard at work creating a class channel of interactive graphics using Thinglink, a free and user friendly digital tool.  Each student chose a wild animal and researched three categories from the following list of options:

  • Habitat: Where the animal lives in the world. Food: What the animal eats and why. How the animal gets food?
  • Babies: How the animal treat its babies? How long the animal’s babies stay with them?
  • Communication: How the animal communicates with others of its kind? Does the animal use non-verbal communication?
  • Protection: How does the animal protect itself from predators or enemies? Similarly, does the animal need protection from the environment or people in order to remain a species? 
  • Sleep: How does the animal sleep? Does it hibernate? 
  • Body Diagram: What are the important body parts of the animal that make it different from other animals? 
  • Interesting Facts: Does the animal have interesting facts that you come across in your research that do not fit into any specific category?

Students were then able to create multiple “hot spots” or “nubs” on their animal image that launch video, other images and text with the click of a button.  Thinglink allows a lot of content to be accessible in small space.  Below is a table of contents image that links to each animal studied.  We are looking to collaborate with other classrooms and students across the globe studying wild animals.  Please take a look at all of their hard work and provide any comments if you have a moment.

In order to create the cover “table of contents” as well as pages with multiple images we did a little app smashing using Pic Collage, a great app that allows you to combine photos into a single image collage.

4TD Wild Animal Research Project
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