Students in 4JH reviewed the research of 4TD and provided comments and questions using Today’s Meet.  Today’s Meet is a backchannel that allows you to connect with your audience in realtime.
Groups can use the live stream to make comments, ask questions.  It allows sharing of thoughts within an isolated room.  Here is a transcript of some of the comments and questions shared today.

I love how the pictures really express what a true tiger is! Love the video-really impressive that someone lives with an actual tiger!! 02:42PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by Alexa
Elephant- I love the picture of the elephant in the waterfall, I have the same picture.Panda- Who knew that a Panda trotted like a horse when scared 02:42PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by Ana
Macaw- I loved the video of the Macaw speaking. Can macaws say actual words 
02:44PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by Ella

who knew the artic fox has 6 babies a year? 02:45PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by george
Prairie dog- The body diagram link helped me understand more things about your wild animal. I love your pictures 02:45PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by Patrick
Dolphins, I didn’t know that that a dolphin can jump 16 feet in the air, it would be really cool if we could do that! good job kate 02:48PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by michelle
Macaw- I never knew that macaws live in Brazil. I can not believe that there is not that many macaws left in the world 02:54PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by Ella
Great job 4TD! We were all very impressed with your thing links! Excellent Job! 02:56PM Thu, 17 April 2014 GMT by Ms. Heckman

Using Today’s Meet to Collaborate
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