In this NEWLY designed Technology PD, you will choose THREE workshops from the menu.

  • Each workshop has been created with a face-to-face and/or online component for a total of 5 hours per workshop.
  • These 5 hours are comprised of 3 instructional hours and 2 hours of independent project work. This could vary by workshop.
  • All independent project work must be completed within two weeks after the face-to-face date. Details will be provided by each instructor once enrolled in the workshop.
  • After completing any three workshops (15 hours) by June 30, 2019, you will receive ONE inservice credit and 15 PDP’s. (If you choose to complete 6 workshops, you will receive TWO inservice credits and 30 PDPs.)

Click Here to get a list of workshops with some detail about each one.

Great New Technology Professional Development Modules