Nearpod has recently released some great updates. To learn more, please take a look below . . .

Live Whiteboard

When facilitating a live Nearpod lesson with students, teachers can launch a whiteboard at any time in the lesson and the students will be able to see what the teacher is doing in real-time. Learn more here.


SEL Check-Ins

We’ve added two new lessons to our SEL Premium Collection on helping others. Check out the K-2 and 3-12 versions to help students identify and share ways they can identify and help others in need.


Math formula editor

Teachers can now add more complex math formulae to the following features: Open-Ended Question, Quiz, and Poll. Insert stacked fractions, matrices, and more!


Nearpod Original Videos 
We’re expanding our library of Nearpod Original Videos (check them all out here!). We’ve recently added lessons on:  Adjectives, Personification, Mesopotamia & the Fertile Crescent, Adverbs, The Digestive System, Continents, History of the Atom,
Pronouns & Gender Identity



Nearpod’s latest updates:
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