Dear Bates Parents,

At this busy time of year I am reminded how lucky we are at Bates to have such a supportive community of families. Our staff and students greatly appreciate all the support and assistance we receive.

Thank you to all of you who came to see Artstravaganza yesterday. It was a special opportunity to see our students’ many diverse talents and interests as well as see the appreciation and respect they received from their friends and families. By all accounts, it was a very successful day.

We have another special event, Field Day, taking place on Friday and the support for that event has also been tremendous. We have asked for 70 volunteers and, on my last check, 64 of our 70 slots have been filled! Thank you to all of you that are helping to make Field Day a memorable event for our students.

I’d also like to thank the Bates PTO for its tremendous support this year. Many parents volunteer through the PTO and a number serve on the PTO Board. These positions and roles are very important to the work we do at Bates. Thank you for supporting our students each and every day by helping to assemble instructional materials, teaching lessons, leading nature walks and field trips, organizing enrichment experiences, working in our gardens and hosting celebrations in classrooms. Thank you also for the donations that have enabled us to purchase Soundfields for the classrooms, a classroom set of iPads, a new sound system for the gym and professional development for teachers. And thank you for organizing fun family events such as class socials, Movie Nights and the Bates Family Picnic.

A special thank you goes to Martha and Meredith who have led the amazing PTO and worked so closely with the staff and me. Their dedication and thoughtful leadership made for a very successful collaboration.

I have so enjoyed working with all of our parents and the PTO and have an enormous respect for the time, talents and resources you give to support our students. Thank you for helping to make Bates such a special place.

Warm regards,

Toni Jolley

Upcoming dates:

Friday, June 10 Field Day 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Friday, June 17 Fifth Grade Dance & Party 6:00 p.m.

Monday, June 20 Fifth Grade Graduation 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday, June 21 Last day of school; ½ day of school

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