Dear Bates Families,

Happy New Year!  In this email I share time sensitive information about an elementary math workshop for parents and the upcoming Magnificent Day of Play.

Math Workshops for Parents

Attached is a flyer with information about an upcoming elementary math workshop ​​​​​​for parents.  Please note: participants are asked to register by January 17.

The Magnificent Day of Play

Bates will hold our fifth annual Magnificent Day of Play on Wednesday, January 23.  

What is the Day of Play?

We were inspired to start the Day of Play after seeing the documentary Caine’s Arcade, the story of a nine-year-old boy whose cardboard arcade inspired the world.  If you have not yet seen this short video, I recommend you watch it: Caine’s Arcade.  Soon after its release in 2012, the story of Caine’s Arcade quickly went viral, gathering fans from all over the world, and resulted in 750,000 kids in 70 countries taking part in the Global Cardboard Challenge and Day of Play. 

Bates students embrace the Day of Play as a special opportunity to spend the day building anything they can imagine using cardboard, recycled materials and creativity.  Students in grades K-3 work throughout the morning in their classrooms, and students in fourth and fifth grade work in the cafeteria and gym.  Some students choose to work alone and others choose to work with one or more classmates.  Volunteers, faculty and staff support students as they build, but let the students lead the work.  Some students choose to take a short break for snack and recess.  The morning includes time for students to share their creations with other classes as well.  

Planning for the Day of Play

We have already begun planning with students at school, sharing stories about creativity and encouraging students to draw and plan.  We ask families to help their child prepare for the Day of Play by collecting materials that students might want to use for a project.   Your child may already know what he wants to make or he may gather a variety of materials and decide what to make later.  Please consider collecting cardboard as well as recycled and upcycled materials.  We welcome students to bring in their materials on Tuesday, January 22 or on Wednesday, January 23.  Please bring materials in a brown paper bag with your child’s name on it and label larger boxes with your child’s name as well.  Children often share materials so a few extra materials may be helpful.  

We need many volunteers to support the Magnificent Day of Play.   More than 75 volunteers are needed to hand out supplies, assist with cutting cardboard and tape and to support student problem solving in classrooms.  We encourage volunteers to play a supporting role and to be a resource to the whole class.  A valuable part of the Day of Play learning for students includes working through challenges and making mistakes.  Volunteers are also needed to help clean up.  Each year our volunteers help make the day not only successful for our students but also for our custodians!  Many hands definitely make light work, and I thank you in advance if you can stay until 12:00 or 12:15 to help.  Here is the MDoP sign up link for all volunteer opportunities.  Mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 23 from 8:30 – 12:00 and please volunteer to help for all or part of the morning if you are able.  Thank you.

Warm regards,

Toni Jolley


Upcoming dates:

Wednesday, January 9      Walk to School Day/ Bates Spirit Day

                                         Winter Concert (band, orchestra, chorus, grade 3) 9:00 in the gym

Monday, January 21        No School – Martin Luther King Day

Wednesday, January 23   Magnificent Day of Play 8:30 – 12:00

Day of Play

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