Dear Bates Families,

Thank you for your support and patience over the past few weeks.  Your well wishes and kindness have helped to sustain all of us working to create a plan for what is now an extended school closure.  I would like to provide follow up to Dr. Lussier’s email from yesterday detailing remote learning 2.0.  Below I highlight several aspects of the plan for our students:

  1. The new plan offers opportunities for elementary students to engage by:
    1. Participating in morning meetings and teacher-led small group lessons.  All students will have at least one experience each day to connect with a teacher in a synchronous or live experience.
    2. Viewing pre-recorded lessons in English Language Arts, Science, Math, Spanish, P.E., Music, Art, and Library across the week and continuing to use online learning platforms like Raz Kids and DreamBox.
    3. Working offline in self-directed work time, including daily physical exercise.
  2. Over the next few days teachers will be creating a schedule for their class.  Beginning next week you can expect teachers to share the upcoming week’s schedule with you by Friday.  
  3. We now expect students to participate in remote learning when it is possible.  Please keep us informed if your child is not able to participate.  Teachers, special educators, our school nurses and school psychologist and I are all here to support each child and family. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This week remote learning begins with whole class meetings and one pre-recorded lesson in ELA, Math, Science and Spanish.  For now, please continue to use your child’s teacher’s daily communication slides to access this content.  

We offer students and families guidelines for online learning as well as technical support.  Please take time to read the Technology Guide to Online Learning, which you can also find on the WPS remote learning website.

We hope that this new plan offers structure for students along with flexibility for families and educators.  If you have feedback to share about how it is working for your family, please share that with your child’s teacher and/or me.   

Have a great evening.

Warm regards,

Toni Jolley

Remote Learning 2.0

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