Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope you are staying warm on this cold Friday.  I am writing to share two important updates.  

Report Cards

You should now have access to your child’s Standards Based Report Card electronically in PowerSchool.  An email was sent by Michael LaCava today with screenshots and directions on how to access the report card as well as digitally sign it.  We are asking parents/guardians to digitally sign the report card this year to indicate that you have read it.  If you are having technical difficulty, please contact The portal team is available Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.  

With respect to the grading on the Standards Based Report Card, students are assessed relative to end-of-year grade-level standards.  The indicators are:

M = Meeting the standard consistently and independently.  

P = Progressing towards meeting the standard. 

B = Beginning to progress towards meeting the standard. 

N = Not yet demonstrating progress towards meeting the standard. 

* = An asterisk indicates that this standard has not been assessed during this particular term. Some units of study are taught at different times of the school year. 

Blank = the standard is not being taught this year due to a temporary realignment of the curriculum

It is very typical at this mid-point in the school year for a child to not yet be meeting end-of-year standards consistently and independently.  Our curriculum and instruction will provide ongoing support and practice for students in the second half of the year.  

Valentine’s Day

Looking ahead to February, we are planning for a safe exchange of valentines with the following guidelines:

  • The week of February 8 we will have an exchange of valentines in each classroom with extra safety precautions.  
  • Students who wish to participate are asked to bring a valentine for everyone in their class.  Teachers will provide a list of names.  
  • Cohort B should bring their valentines into school on or before Tuesday, Feb. 9.   Cohort A & C should bring their valentines into school on or before Thursday, Feb. 11.  
  • Teachers will supervise a safe exchange and send valentines home in a sealed bag on Feb. 11 or 12 for parents/guardians to decide how and when to open.
  • If you choose to send in valentines, we ask that only paper valentines be exchanged this year.  Please do not send any extras like candy, stickers or pencils.  

Thank you for your assistance with this.

I hope you enjoy a nice weekend.  

Warm regards,

Toni Jolley

Bates Buzz

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