Dear Bates Families,

Happy Friday!  The final weeks of school are upon us.  We are so grateful to end the year with lots of mask-free time outdoors and many fun end of year activities.  Below are a few details about these upcoming events.

iPad Collection

On Monday, June 7th, teachers will start collecting student iPads. There will no longer be a need for them to travel home daily. Students will still need their iPads during the school day, so please include the charging cable and charging block. 

Please return the following equipment: 

  • iPad 
  • iPad Case (w/ integrated keyboard in grades 3-5)
  • iPad External Keyboard (grade 2 only)
  • iPad Charging Cable 
  • iPad Charging Block

Bates Mini-Marathon

The Bates Mini-Marathon is planned for Wednesday, June 9.  We are monitoring the temperature and humidity forecast for Wednesday and will adjust our plans accordingly, if needed.  We will provide an update for families on Tuesday.

Field Day

Monday, June 14 is Field Day.  Students will experience some of their favorite Field Day activities in smaller groups, two grade levels at a time.  We will miss our parent volunteers this year but feel fortunate to be able to offer  this experience to students.

Fond Farewell for Grade 5

We will hold a Fond Farewell ceremony for our fifth grade students and their families on Tuesday, June 15 at 9:00 on Kelly Field.  Details about this event have been shared with fifth grade families.  

Wednesday, June 16 & Thursday June 17

Wednesday will be a full day of school and Thursday, June 17, the last day of school, is a half-day with a 12:00 dismissal.

Last Day of School Clap Out

At 11:57 a.m. on Thursday, June 17 we will have a whole school “clap out” for our fifth graders as they walk through the halls of the Bates School for the last time.  Families are invited to join in this bittersweet tradition as in the past, lining the sidewalk outside the front entrance of the school to enthusiastically clap for our fifth graders as they make their final exit.  

Finally, please help to prepare your child for the warmer temperatures next week by sending a refillable water bottle each day.  

Have a great weekend.

Warm regards,

Toni Jolley

Important Dates

Wednesday, June 9                   Bates Mini-Marathon

Monday, June 14                      Field Day

Tuesday, June 15                     Fond Farewell – Grade 5

Wednesday, June 17                 Full day of school

Thursday, June 18                    Last day of school – 12:00 dismissal

Bates Buzz 6.4.21