Dear HunneBates,

We had a special winter concert on Wednesday with amazing performances by the Bates orchestra, band and fifth grade chorus.  We also sang two songs to celebrate music teacher Beth Perry and wish her well in her retirement.  Our students were truly fantastic.  They worked hard to learn two songs, “I Wish You Well” and “She’s Got Her Ticket,” while keeping this special project a secret from Mrs. Perry!  As you can imagine, Mrs. Perry was surprised and touched by this surprise goodbye performance from her HunneBates community.  

Welcome, Rianne Gibson!

I am pleased to share that we will welcome a new music teacher in January, Rianne Gibson.  Ms. Gibson has been able to shadow Mrs. Perry for a few days to meet students and learn about our school.  Please join me in warmly welcoming Rianne to the HunneBates community.

The Day of Play: January 24, 2024

Looking ahead to next year, January 24 is the HunneBates Day of Play.  The Day of Play is an annual Bates tradition inspired by the documentary Caine’s Arcade, the story of a nine-year-old boy whose elaborate cardboard arcade inspired a flash mob and led to a global movement.  If you have not yet seen this inspiring story and want to watch it, here is the link: Caine’s Arcade.   This video tells the story of the global movement that ensued.

The Bates Day of Play is a special opportunity for students to spend the day building anything they can imagine using cardboard, recycled materials and creativity.  Students will spend time planning and designing potential creations in art class.  Students may choose to work alone or with one or two classmates.  Adults are available to assist with locating resources and cutting cardboard.  We will encourage students to persevere and solve problems when appropriate.

Families are asked to help by collecting materials for the Day of Play, such as:

  • small or medium boxes or pieces of cardboard (no larger than a laundry basket, please)

  • cardboard egg cartons and paper towel tubes 

  • cardboard packaging  & other clean recyclable materials

  • upcycled materials (small items that are no longer in use that may be repurposed)

Please do not purchase items for the Day of Play.  Also, we ask that materials brought in for the Day of Play be shared by all students.   Materials can be brought into school January 22-24 in a brown paper bag.

Finally, many volunteers are needed to make the Day of Play a success.  A sign up will be sent out in January.  If you are able to help for an hour or more, please save the date for this special event.

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and a restful vacation.  We look forward to seeing students and families in 2024.



Toni Jolley

Bates Buzz 12.22.23