Dear Bates Families, We have all thoroughly enjoyed the warm weather this week. The forecast for tomorrow, however, is snow! Tomorrow we will hold our monthly community meeting and enjoy the opportunity to come together again as a school to… Continue reading Bates Buzz
Bates Buzz

Bates Buzz Wellesley Public Schools Learning • Caring • Innovating Dear Bates Families,Brrr…it’s officially cold weather season, but inside the Bates School we’re keeping warm and very busy. Last week, we enjoyed a beautiful winter concert with performances… Continue reading Bates Buzz
Bates Buzz

Bates Buzz Wellesley Public Schools Learning • Caring • Innovating Dear Bates Families, Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a restful and enjoyable vacation. Now that we are settling back into the routine of school, I am asking… Continue reading Bates Buzz
Bates Buzz

Bates Buzz Wellesley Public Schools Learning • Caring • Innovating Dear Bates Families, Thank you for your support in making our Magnificent Day of Play a wonderful event for all the students at Bates. The day was filled with… Continue reading Bates Buzz
Bates Buzz

Bates Buzz Wellesley Public Schools Learning • Caring • Innovating Dear Bates Families,I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. It was great to see so many families at the Thanksgiving assembly. The students performed an amazing collection… Continue reading Bates Buzz