Dear Bates, Happy last Friday of summer. It’s turning out to be quite a dark and stormy one! All of us at Bates are excited to welcome our Bates and Hunnewell students to school next week. Below is some information… Continue reading Bates Buzz 8.26.22
Welcome Back to School 8.17.22
Dear Bates Families, I hope that you have found time to rest and recharge this summer. Personally, I’ve found that as my children get older, our family time in the summer is more precious than ever. This summer we’ve enjoyed… Continue reading Welcome Back to School 8.17.22
Save the Date: Portal Opening Aug. 17
Dear Bates Families, I hope that you are having a wonderful summer. This is just a quick note to “save the date” for the opening of the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The Portal will open to all families on Wednesday, August… Continue reading Save the Date: Portal Opening Aug. 17
Grade 4 Supply List
Grade 4 Supply List **Please send all supplies to school with your child on the first day.** One 3-SUBJECT wide-ruled spiral notebooks One each of red, blue, and black pens Technology Small headphones or earbuds* to use with iPads… Continue reading Grade 4 Supply List
Grade 5 Supply List
Grade 5 Supply List One 5-subject wide ruled spiral notebook (no need to label, we will label these in school – should be new/ unused) Low profile clipboard (with the child’s name clearly labeled) Small inexpensive earbuds or headphones for… Continue reading Grade 5 Supply List