January 20, 2023 



Dear PAWS Families,


It was wonderful to see several parents visiting their children’s classrooms this week to share their family traditions and stories related to the Lunar New Year!  To all of our PAWS families who celebrate, we wish you happiness and prosperity!  We welcome and invite all of our PAWS families to reach out to their child’s classroom teacher to schedule a time to share a tradition, story, craft or other meaningful event with your child and their classmates. We look forward to seeing you at PAWS in person or via Zoom.


Wellesley Green Schools Team

PAWS is seeking a parent/caregiver to represent the PAWS community within the Wellesley Green Schools Team. The purpose of having Green Team reps from each school in Wellesley is that it helps facilitate idea sharing between the entire school district. Please let me know if you have any interest in joining the Wellesley Green Schools Team! 


MA Teacher of the Year Nomination Info 

Many PAWS families ask how they can formally recognize their child’s teacher and the amazing work that they do throughout the school year guiding our young learners. 

The MA Teacher of the Year nomination process is a way to do just that! This wonderful program acknowledges and celebrates teachers across the state that go above and beyond for their students and school community. 

  • Click HERE for detailed information about the program
  • Interested in nominating a teacher at PAWS? Click HERE to start the process!


The children were excited to see the snow falling today! I hope you were able to enjoy the beauty and magic of a new snowfall. Snow or no snow, perhaps you will be able enjoy some time in nature with your preschooler this weekend! 



‘Becca Z.



Important Dates:


Thursday/Friday, January 26/27 – SPIRIT DAY – wear something BLACK & WHITE

February School Vacation – No School February 20 – 24


PAWS UP January 20, 2022