March 20, 2024 


Dear PAWS Families,


Tonight is the Kindergarten Special Education Transition Information Night – Wednesday, March 20, 2024 – 6:00-7:00pm in the Fiske School Library


The caregivers of students with identified special needs and IEPs who will be transitioning to kindergarten in the fall of 2024, are invited to attend an information session about the transition to kindergarten.  


Special Education Department Heads from the elementary schools will join PAWS Team Chair and Director to share information about the special education opportunities that will be available to students in kindergarten.  All families are welcome, but/and the focus of the evening will be on the unique aspects of the special education transition between preschool and kindergarten.


PTO Updates

The PAWS PTO is starting to work on fun and exciting activities for the next school year and would love to have more parents/caregivers from PAWS join them in their efforts!  Please reach out to the PTO ( to learn more about the open positions on the PTO Board and other ways you can contribute to the success of PAWS!



Notes from Nurse Sue: Kindergarten Registration:


Hello Families of Rising Kindergarteners,


Registration for Wellesley Public School students planning to enroll in Kindergarten for Fall of 2024 is currently open. 


If you plan to enroll your child in Kindergarten in the fall, please follow this link:

Wellesley Public School Kindergarten Registration


As part of registration, Wellesley Public Schools requires proof of a physical exam dated within the past 12 months. This document should include your child’s immunization record, proof of lead screening, as well as hearing and vision screenings.  This form is oftentimes called the “School and Camp form”.  Please upload this document directly into the SNAP Health portal.  


Instructions for how to access the SNAP Health portal and upload documents can be found here:

SNAP Health Portal Instructions


If you have questions about the Health Portal or need assistance uploading your child’s PE, please contact our school nurse, Sue Mangiacotti, at



Happy Spring!

It was snowing at my house this morning, but/and I have been enjoying seeing my honey bees from my bee hives gathering pollen and bringing it back into their hives on the nice warm days!  Spring weather is coming!


Given the range in temperature from day to day, please be sure your child wears layers to help them adjust to the change in temperature during different parts of the school day.


Gentle Reminder:

Wellesley requests that all drivers kindly turn off their car engines when you are in the car line. Please share this reminder with your caregivers who drive your children as well. If you or anyone in line forgets, use grace and kindness to offer a supporting and kind reminder. We are all learning and sometimes drivers may forget to turn their car engine off. Thank you for your help. Thank you for caring about our environment and everyone in it.



‘Becca Z.


Important Dates: WPS Calendar


March 20 – Special Education Transition to Kindergarten Information Session @ the   

        Fiske Library – 6:00-7:00pm

March 27 – Parent/Caregiver & Teacher Conferences

March 29 – No School – Good Friday

April 2 – Early Release for Parent/Caregiver & Teacher Conferences

April 3 – Parent/Caregiver & Teacher Conferences

April 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 – No School – April Break

May 27 – No School – Memorial Day

June 19 – No School – Juneteenth

June 20 – Last Day of School – Half Day (assumes 5 contingency/snow days)


Click for Caregiver Resources

PAWS UP for March 20, 2024