Dear Bates Families,

It was a great first week back after April break.  It’s hard to believe it is already May.  I write to share some important highlights of our week and some future opportunities for families.

The installation of the Black Lives Matter flag

As planned and communicated in my email sent on April 8, yesterday we hung the Black Lives Matter flag in the gym at Bates.  Classes watched on Zoom as I hung the flag and we discussed why we need this flag at Bates: because Black Americans in our community and in our country are not yet treated fairly.  We talked about how we can help make change in our world and that change can start small.  Making and hanging handmade Black Lives Matter signs, as our fifth graders did in January, and hanging the big Black Lives Matter flag in our gym are examples of small changes that can lead to bigger change.  It was an exciting step for our school community, and it spurred students to share with me thoughtful reflections and ideas for how we can further promote social justice.

Earlier this week

On Wednesday we had our first Community Meeting from our classrooms.  During the Community Meeting, a class of fifth graders shared a thoughtful presentation on the topic of Asia and Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.  The students shared how geographically diverse Asia and its people are, and how we at Bates can be “upstanders” for this group of people if we see or hear them being mistreated.  We were appreciative of this message and proud to uplift our fifth grade students as they advocate for the fair and respectful treatment of Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.  

Return to school listening session

The Wellesley Public Schools will host a listening session to gather the opinions, beliefs and attitudes about the reopening of schools this spring, and later in the fall, and the impacts of COVID19 on community members. We value the voices of all community members in the District’s ongoing decision-making. Please join us on 5/19/2021, 6:00- 7:30 p.m., via Zoom. You may register here.

New date for Grade 4 ELA MCAS

Please note there is a new date for the grade 4 ELA MCAS: Monday, May 10 instead of the previously communicated date of May 13.  All other dates remain the same and are included below.

Creating Connections between Boston and Wellesley

Please see the attached flyer for information about the first Building Bridges Boston/ Wellesley event, a hike around Millenium Park trail on May 22.  The goal of the program is to promote meaningful social interaction between city and suburban families. 

Teacher Appreciation Week

Finally, next week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  This is an opportunity to reflect on how very much our Bates teachers have done for our students this year.  Our PTO is always so thoughtful in planning several ways to appreciate our amazing Bates teachers during this week.  Additionally, words of appreciation from parents and students means so much to a teacher.  If you are inspired, I encourage you to make a card or write an email to your child’s teacher this weekend or next week.  

Have a wonderful weekend.


Toni Jolley

MCAS Test dates

Monday, May 10        Grade 4 ELA MCAS

Tuesday, May 11        Grade 5 ELA MCAS

Friday, May 14           Grade 3 ELA MCAS

Tuesday, May 25        Grade 5 Math MCAS

Thursday, May 27      Grade 4 Math MCAS

Friday, May 28           Grade 3 Math MCAS

Tuesday, June 1         Grade 5 Science MCAS

BostonWellesley Building Bridges Hiking Event Flyer.pdf 

Bates Buzz 5.1.21