Dear HunneBates,

It was great to see many in our community riding a bus, walking, riding a scooter and biking to school today.  I write to share some safety concerns that we observed today and over the past weeks and ask for your help to attend to these concerns.

Elmwood Road Crosswalk

Elmwood is a busy road with construction vehicles, buses and cars coming and going at arrival and dismissal time.  At this time the crosswalks near the Bates School are not monitored by a crossing guard.  The Wellesley Police Department hires all of the town crossing guards and is actively seeking additional applicants.  If you know of someone who is interested in this position, please have them contact Officer Kathy Poirier.  Please also know that the crosswalk near the Bates parking lot at times has limited visibility due to vehicles parked on the side of the road.  We are working with Officer Poirier to address this concern and to consider additional opportunities to support our students.  In the meantime please review crosswalk safety with your children and supervise their use of crosswalks whenever possible.  In addition to looking both ways, waiting to cross until oncoming traffic has stopped, everyone should get off their bike or scooter and walk their bike or scooter across the street.  If you are driving, please use extra caution near all crosswalks.  

Bates Parking Lot  

The Bates parking lot is also busy at arrival and dismissal.  For this reason, the parking lot is closed to anyone other than Bates staff during arrival and dismissal times.  The parking lot should not be used to drop off or pick up students.  Students and families should also refrain from riding their bikes or walking through the parking lot.  Crosswalks should always be used.  Students and family members are asked to walk their bike or scooter on the Bates sidewalks.  

I appreciate our community working together to support the safety of all children and families.  

Best regards,


Arrival and Dismissal Safety
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