Fiske Family Bulletin Wellesley Public Schools Learning • Caring • Innovating
Fiske School Calendar
January & February 2016
Jan. 8-F |
Fiske BINGO Night at Babson |
Jan. 14-Th |
PTO meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m. |
Jan. 15-F |
Fiske School Council meeting, 7:30 a.m. |
Jan. 18-M |
Martin Luther King Day—NO SCHOOL |
Jan. 29-F |
Progress Reports go home |
Feb. 3-W |
Walk to School Day |
Feb. 3-W |
METCO Stay Day |
Feb. 5-F |
Black History Month assembly, 8:45 a.m. |
Feb. 10-W |
All Town Kindergarten 2016/17 Registration at Sprague, 2:30-6:30 p.m. |
Feb. 11-Th |
Creative Arts Gr.K: Pumpernickle Puppets |
Feb. 12-F |
Principal Coffee, 8:45-9:45 a.m. in the library |
Feb. 15-19 |
February Vacation—NO SCHOOL |
Feb. 26-F |
School Council meeting, 7:30 a.m. |
Mar. 5-Sa |
All Town Kindergarten 2016/17 Registration at Sprague, 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. |
Fiske Family Bulletin
Fiske School News1.The dates for All Town Kindergarten 2016/17 Registration are as listed.
- February 10, 2016 from 2:30–6:30 p.m. at Sprague School
- March 5, 2016 from 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Sprague School
2.The Fiske Directory has arrived! You should have received your bright orange incredibly useful Fiske Directory via backpack by now. Extra copies are available for $5. each from the office. 3.Just a reminder that children will go out to recess as long as the temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Please make sure that they are dressed warmly enough and that they wear snowpants and boots… when there is snow on the field. 4.Safe Arrival Program—We ask that you call the school with all tardy and absent messages, please do not email these messages. If you know that your child will not be in school, or will be late on any specific day, please call the school office during school hours at 781.446.6265. If your call is made outside of school hours, please call the absence/tardy line 781.781.446.6219. If your child will be tardy please include in your message if your child will be bringing lunch or needs to order a school lunch. Lunch requests are needed prior to 9 a.m. 5.ELA MCAS testing period is scheduled for March 28-April 8, 2016. 6.Math MCAS testing period is scheduled for May 9-20, 2016.
Joseph E. Fiske Elementary School 45 Hastings Street • Wellesley • Massachusetts • 02481 Phone 781-446-6265 Rachel McGregor, Interim Principal • Beth Watson, Secretary ![]( CORE VALUES Academic Excellence • Commitment to Community • Respect for Human Differences • Cooperative and Caring Relationships
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