Fiske School News1.Fiske Family Game Night, Friday March 11th, 6–8 p.m. at FiskeBring the whole family and come enjoy an evening of engaging math, logic and out-of-the-box thinking games. Challenge your son or daughter to a game of Connect 4 or Chess, see who can be Farkled, Knoodle your way up to the highest level, or gobble your opponent in Gobblet Gobblers (think tic tac toe with a twist). There will be games for all ages, all with a math, logic or challenge theme. A simple dinner will be served.
Cost is $5/person to cover dinner and facility clean-up expenses. Please call Mrs. McGregor if you need financial assistance.
Volunteer: we are seeking a few volunteers to help with set up and clean up, as well as create direction cards for the games. If you are interested and willing, please note this on the sign-up/RSVP below (sign-up genius)
Bring a game if you have a favorite one that you would be willing to share for the evening, please let us know also on the sign-up genius link below.
Please contact Hillary with questions: Arrival Program—We ask that you
call the school with all tardy and absent messages, please
do not email these messages. If you know that your child will not be in school, or will be late on any specific day, please call the school office during school hours at 781.446.6265. If your call is made outside of school hours, please call the absence/tardy line 781.446.6219. If your child will be tardy, please include in your message if your child will be bringing lunch or needs to order a school lunch. Lunch requests are needed prior to 9 a.m. 3.ELA MCAS testing period is scheduled for March 28-April 8, 2016.4.Math MCAS testing period is scheduled for May 9-20, 2016.