Fiske Families,
Fiske Families,
What a fabulous week at Fiske! The children were thrilled to enjoy some outdoor time during the second half of the week. Please remember to send proper winter weather gear for recess in the snow.
Reminder: There will be no school on Wednesday, January 29th in observance of Lunar New Year. We wish all our families a very happy and joyful new year!
Student Council
Each week, Mrs. Verret, Mrs. Gerst, and I meet with our Student Council. This week the group began preparing a focus for our next assembly. During our discussion the students shared what makes Fiske such a special place for them. Here’s what they had to say:
“Fiske feels like home with a big family of friends.”
“Fiske is a special place because every teacher cares about the students needs.”
“Your classroom is your happy place.”
“We are encouraged to learn and grow.”
“We feel safe at Fiske because people take care of you.”
“People have encouraging words and messages to share.”
“We are a strong community.”
“Fiske is filled with committed people.”
From the mouths of our students, it is clear they appreciate all our community does to make Fiske great. We are so grateful to our teachers, staff members, students, parents, caretakers, and friends for making Fiske such a “Fisketastic” place to learn and grow!
Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt Book Club
Parents and guardians are invited to join the PTO board for a book discussion on Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt on Monday, February 10 at 7:00 p.m. You can get a copy of the book through the Wellesley Free Public Library or listen to it through Libby which can be accessed from the public library.
Fiske Family BINGO
When: Thursday, January 30th, 2025 from 6:30-8pm
Where: Wellesley High School Cafeteria, 50 Rice Street, Wellesley, MA
Calling all Fiske Families! Come join us for a night of family fun and BINGO!
CLICK HERE to register ahead of time so that we can plan accordingly. The cost is just $5/person with a max of $20/family. Please contact our school social worker Michelle DeSantis at if financial assistance is needed.
The prizes, 50/50 raffle, win lunch with Mrs. McGregor and a bake sale to benefit the 5th grade class. Please have dinner at home but BRING CASH for the bake sale, raffle, etc.
Volunteers are needed! CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER.
Questions? Dorota Strzelecki or Becca Sisitsky
Sign-Up for the 2025 FISKE S.T.E.A.M. FAIR!
Sunday, March 2nd
4 – 5:30 pm
Fiske Elementary School
Challenge yourself to discover two or more S.T.E.A.M. letters in your project and sign up to share your exhibit with the Fiske community! Get ready to explore your own activities and find some new research ideas!
Sign up online by Thursday, February 27th:
Important Dates:
Tuesday, January 28 – School Council Meeting 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan 29 Lunar New Year-No School
Thursday, January 30 6:30-8:00 p.m. PM Bingo Night at Wellesley High School
Wednesday, February 5 – METCO Stay Day
Tuesday, February 11 – METCO Late Day
Feb 17 – Feb 21 – February Break
Sunday, March 2 – 4:00-5:30 p.m. -STEAM Fair
Tuesday March 4th – PTO Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 5th – Walk to School Day
Wednesday, March 5th – METCO Stay Day
Tuesday, March 11th – School Council Meeting 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 18th – METCO Late Day
Wednesday, March 26 – Parent Teacher Conferences
Monday, March 31 – Eid al-Fitr – No School