
Fiske Families,

We had a Fisketastic week back to school with our new mask optional policy. There was a mix of students wearing and not wearing masks.  What was so heartwarming is that the children did not question each other’s choices. Children were absolutely using the Fiske Fundamentals: Fair, Inclusive, Safe, Kind and Encouraging this week.  It was also nice to be back sitting at lunch tables after 2 years of alternative seating.  

Thank you to the Bixby, Krathen and Price families for providing snacks for our snack cart over the past two weeks.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Bingo Night

With the changes in COVID we are FINALLY able to come together inside as a community.  Our first opportunity is Bingo Night on March 24th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Wellesley High School Cafeteria.  This is a fundraiser for our school so please come and join the Fiske Families for this Fisketastic event! For more information please contact Dorota Strzelecki at dorota.strzelecki@gmail.com or Becca Sisitsky at rebecca.sisitsky@gmail.com.  We hope to see you there!

Help our Wellesley Middle School Red Cross Drive for Homeless Veterans

Dear Families, 

The Wellesley Middle School Red Cross Club is excited to introduce their Totes of Hope donation drive.  Club members are collecting helpful travel-size items for the Red Cross to distribute to veterans experiencing homelessness.  Veterans most frequently request shampoo/conditioner, toothbrushes/toothpaste, socks, razors, combs, and mouthwash, but any personal care items are greatly appreciated.  New socks, hats, and gloves are also appreciated.  A donation box will be at the Fiske entrance from March 14 to March 25th.  The WMS Red Cross Club appreciates your support!  See the attached document for more information or contact the club’s advisor, Kate Taylor, at taylork@wellesleyps.org.

Friday Fiske News 3/11/2022

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