January 28, 2022


Dear PAWS Families,


This week we had a few interesting moments in the PAWS car line that have prompted this review of how to proceed in the PAWS car line, especially at morning drop off.


We had a parent accidentally forget to put his car in park and once he got out of the car it rolled forward and bumped the car in front of him.  No one was injured, but it did remind us to please:

  1. keep your child buckled until you are parked and unloading in the car loop, 
  2. and do your best to be present and mindful while in the PAWS parking lot.

Once you enter the car line loop, put your car in park. Then, once you are one of the first 4 or 5 cars in the car line loop, turn off the engine of your car. Wellesley has a no-idle policy. Then help your child out of the car.


We also had a grandparent who was not familiar with the car line process and was upset and confused. Please note and share with your child’s caregivers: There are two different arrival times at PAWS and therefore there are 2 different car lines in the morning.


8:30am Arrival

The PK4 Puppy Class has an 8:30am arrival time. Cars arriving for the Puppy class should follow the line of the thin red arrow on the attached image. There are typically 7-10 cars arriving for the Puppy Class Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


8:45am Arrival 

The 8:45am car line may enter the car line loop starting at 8:43am. Cars arriving for the 8:45am arrival should follow the line of the thick green arrow on the image. The 8:45 car line should stay in place while the cars for the Puppy Class proceed until 8:43am.


At no time should any cars “cut the line” or drive around other cars. All drivers should wait patiently in their line until the car in front of them proceeds.


Expected Conduct: 

Always address other people in the car line with grace, kind words, friendly hands, and patience. If you are having a hard day or are struggling to maintain your composure, dig deep, take a deep breath and keep yourself composed and calm. You can say, “I’m frustrated,” or “It feels so hard to wait!” and you will be able to model a teachable moment for your child in the car as you manage your strong feelings in a safe and appropriate way. We strive to model exemplary behavior for our students at all times and we expect all people to be treated in a safe and respectful manner at PAWS.

Be sure to share this information with all caregivers who drive your child to PAWS. See map here:  PAWS Carline Update 1_28_2022.pdf 

Reach out to me with any questions.


Thank you for doing your part to keep our car line safe, friendly, and running smoothly.

‘Becca Z.

PAWS Car Line Procedures Update 1/28/22
Secured By miniOrange