Many teachers use the copy machines to create PDFs from printed material.  These copies are not very clear or accessible (i.e. text to speech readers are unable to read these pdf’s)

Did you know that you have the ability to create accessible PDFs using the Adobe Scan App on your iPad?  AND you can do this from the comfort of your classroom!

To learn about how to use the Adobe Scan App, watch This Video:

Some tips for scanning a document using Adobe Scan:

  • Avoid glare.

  • Stand up and make sure you take the picture from above.

  • Make sure the original document you are scanning is “clean” (i.e. free from extra dots, tape, hand writing, etc.)

To learn about how to access the accessibility features on the iPad or to learn how to access Read&Write on a computer, watch THIS VIDEO:

Finally, please take a look at Everything you need to know about PDFs!

Create accessible PDFs with the Adobe Scan App
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