School News
1.School Picture Retake Date—Monday, October 26th, 9 a.m. On retake day pictures will be done for students new to school since the original picture day (Sept. 17th), those who were absent on the original date and for students whose parent/guardian requests a retake. If pictures are being retaken, the original package of pictures (except for the class picture) must be returned on October 26th.
Fiske sibling photographs can also be taken on retake day.
Order forms for individual and for sibling pictures are separate and available in the Fiske Office.
2.Halloween Candy Collection Dates: Nov.2-6, 2015Fiske will be collecting any extra Halloween Candy you would like to get out of your house. The candy is donated to a local dentist who kindly ships it to our troops overseas. The collection box will be kept in the main office.
3.REMINDER to all Parents/Guardians—Noon Dismissal—TUESDAY, November 3rdAll Fiske students will be dismissed at noon on Tuesday, November 3rd so that Parent/Teacher conferences can be scheduled for those afternoon hours. No lunch will be served. We have sent home a dismissal form specifically for that day. We hope this gives you plenty of time to plan for this date.
4.Fiske Fitness & Health SchedulePlease wear sneakers on the following days.
Students may wish to bring a water bottle too.
All students should have their hair pulled back with an elastic band/headband for safety purposes.
KB—Mon. 1:30-2:00, Wed. 10-10:30
KG—Mon. 2:00-2:30, Wed. 10:30-11:00
1H—Thurs. 1:35-2:20
1K—Thurs. 11:30-12:05
1S—Thurs. 12:50-1:35
2K/F—Mon. 11:40-12:10, Tues. 1:35-2:05
2M—Mon. 11:10-11:40, Fri. 10:40-11:10
2SV—Mon. 12:10-12:40, Fri. 11:10-11:40
3F—Tues. 11:15-12:00
3H—Tues. 12:45-1:30
3R—Fri. 2:05-2:50
5.Rollerblading for Grades 4 & 5Rollerblading will begin the week of October 5th for 4th & 5th graders. During their Fitness & Health class, students will learn to rollerblade. This is a very exciting unit for them. Fiske provides all of the gear from the rollerblades to the safety equipment (elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards) and helmets. We sanitize the equipment after each class. Your child may bring in their own gear from home. Helmets need to fit their heads properly and fasten underneath their chin and all gear needs to be labeled with their name. It is strongly suggested that you place all of the gear in a bag and clip the helmet on the outside so that they can carry their equipment safely. Classes are scheduled as follows:
4GN—Wed. & Thurs. 9:15-9:45
4G—Wed. 8:45-9:15, Thurs. 9:45-10:15
4H—Thurs. 8:45-9:15, Fri. 11:45-12:15
5C—Mon. 9:00-9:30, Fri. 1:30-2:00
5L/D—Mon. 10:35-11:05, Fri. 12:30-1:00
5O—Mon. 9:30-10:00, Fri. 1:00-1:30
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Christina Gerst
Fiske Fitness & Health
phone ext. 2238
6.Wellesley Service League’s Annual Toy DriveFor over 40 years, the Wellesley Service League has been collecting toys to distribute to Wellesley Friendly Aid families in the Wellesley community. Now is a great time to clean out those toys your kids have outgrown or aren’t playing with anymore and donate them to the Toy Drive. We accept new and nearly new toys, books and sporting equipment (most sought after items are Legos, Knex, dolls, toy cars, trucks and bikes.)
And if you don’t have toys to donate but would like to give, we also accept donations that go toward gift cards for older age kids.
So clean out and help make some less fortunate members of our Wellesley community very happy this holiday season!!
Look for the Wellesley Service League toy collection boxes during October at all the Wellesley schools and at the Wellesley Free Library. If your item is very large or if it is more convenient, we will be happy to pick it up from your home.
If you have any questions, please contact Laura Hill at or 781.738.1047