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Blue Fiske Falcon

Fiske Families,

This week has been one of sorrow and joy.  It started with the passing of our friend and teacher Cynthia Goodhue. The week continued with our uplifting Music Around the World concert and an evening of fun with World Heritage night.  Finally, tonight our Kindergarten students have their dance. This is the joy of being here at Fiske, during happy and sorrowful times we consistently stand as a caring community.

Thank you Julie Verret for the incredible Music Around the World concert.  Each grade level learned and performed their dances and songs with perfection.  This is such a beautiful way to celebrate the cultures across the world and in our school.

MCAS are done!  Thank you to all the children who put forth their best effort. If your child missed a section then the remaining make up sessions will take place next week.  We are all happy to finish MCAS 2018. Go Falcons!

This week a concerned citizen wrote to notify us that students are crossing Cedar Street at the end of Hastings Street and not using the crosswalk area.  As you can imagine, this is incredibly unsafe, especially considering there are three roads coming into the area of the street. If your child has to cross Cedar Street please remind them that at ALL times they should be crossing at the crosswalk.  Thank you

Megaphone BOKS is back, BOKS is back!!!!  Spring Mini Session

The early morning exercise program will resume May 7 and run through June 14, Mondays and Thursday.  Drop off is 7:30 to 7:40 at the gym. Program will end at 8:15.

The sessions will consist of a short warm up, running exercises, team-building games, and a bit of nutrition.  Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can try to have some outdoor activity.

If you haven’t yet participated this year, you are welcome to try BOKS, please complete the registration form sent in the latest Fiske Friday news.  Feel free to reach out to Danielle Nixon (617-359-6873) with any questions. Existing BOKS families do not need to complete a new registration.

As this is a free program, we are in need of Parent Volunteers.   This is a short six week program. If your child is participating, please try to come to two sessions over the six weeks.  

Please see the link to the sign up genius for training:

BOKS Signupgenius Spring 2018

Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Wednesday, May 16 – Grade 1 Community Field Trip

  • Wednesday, May 16th – Fifth Grade Parents Workshop- 9:00 am

  • Friday, May 18 – First Grade Wingmasters

  • Monday, May 21-Wednesday, May 23 Collection for Used Book Fair

  • Wednesday, May 23 – Field Day

  • Thursday, May 24 – Fifth Grade China program

  • Thursday, May 24-Friday, May 25 Classes visit Used Book Fair

  • Wednesday, May 30-Friday, June 1- Fifth Grade Hale Trip

  • Monday, June 4 – Second Grade Tidepool Trip

  • Wednesday, June 6- Walk to School Day

  • Wednesday, June 6- METCO Stay Day

  • Wednesday, June 13 – First Grade trip to Drumlin Farm

  • Tuesday, June 19 – Fifth Grade Move Up Day

  • Wednesday, June 20 – Flag Lowering Ceremony – 9:00/Last day of school

Friday Fiske News 5/11/18

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