Fiske Falcon
Fiske Families,
What a wonderful start to our in-person learning. The joy on the faces of the teachers and children on the first days of in-person learning were heartwarming. Thank you to all the students who made the amazing welcome back signs. It was such a treat to come to school and see these displays of warmth and appreciation.
This was our first Friday with students and the Fiske staff was treated to an amazing Linden Lunch hosted by our PTO. Thank you to Kimberly Ebeling for organizing this lovely lunch. The staff truly enjoyed this tasty treat and outpouring of kindness.
With new routines comes a level of learning. Please be patient as we learn our new arrival and dismissal routines. Arrival is 8:20 -8:30 a.m. for all students. Please do not arrive early or stay late to use the playground before or after school as it is for school use from 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Thank you for adhering to these guidelines. To help with dismissal, please have your child’s name and classroom displayed in your window. This will make it easier for those doing car line duty.
Eating outside under the tent is our new normal for this year. Please have your children bring a mat or towel to sit on during lunch. Today during lunch duty I noticed we had some shivering friends. Be sure to send in coats and sweaters for our fall lunches outside.
The first few weeks of hybrid learning are an adjustment for all. With each day we learn and grow together. Please know that the teachers are teaching both in-person and at home learners. Given this, it is extremely difficult to answer emails from 8:30 a.m.-3:05 p.m. As stated in our WPS Elementary Student Handbook p.41, teachers have 2-3 school days to respond to an email. If during the day you have a technology question please email or call our Tech Help Desk at or 781-591-0033. If it is an emergency then please email or call the front office at or 781-446-6265. Thank you
Calling family fun pictures….Send us a picture of your family, or child, so we can put it on our community bulletin board. The Children love to look at the board and see their picture and their friends pictures. Please send them to school with your child and we will put them up on the front hall bulletin board.
The Library misses its books!
Many students have books at home that were checked out from the Fiske library in March. If you have any Fiske books at home, please send them in. The library staff will collect them from the classrooms or the books may be placed on the return book cart in the very front of the library.
If you have questions about which books your student(s) have checked out, please contact Fiske Librarian, Ms. Ring at
Important Dates:
Thursday, October 8th- School Council Zoom meeting -3:15-4:15 p.m.
Thursday, October 8th – PTO Zoom Meeting – 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Monday, October 12th- Columbus Day – No school -Cohort A children will attend a full day of school on Wednesday, October 14th
Wednesday, October 14th- Cohort A students will attend a full day of school
Thursday, October 22nd and Friday, October 23 – Picture Day
Thursday, November 5th – School Council Zoom meeting-3:15-4:15
Thursday, November 5th – PTO Zoom Meeting-8:45-9:45 am.
Friday, November 6th – Principal’s Zoom Coffee 8:45-9:45 am
Just a reminder…
Safety and Health Reminders
All visitors to Fiske must wear a mask when on the campus.
If visitors are dropping something off to the school they must call the office from their car.
All children must bring a mask, no gators, to school. It might be best to send in an extra mask in your child/children’s backpack/s. Disposable masks are available if your child/children forgets theirs at home.
All students should bring in a towel or yoga mat to sit on during snack and lunch. These will go home with students each day.
Please have your child/children dress for the weather. It is our goal to be outside for some learning opportunities, mask breaks, lunch and recess as much as possible. This means that children will need to bring rain gear on rainy days and snow gear on snowy days. Please contact our school Social Worker Sara Berenson, if you need financial assistance in getting these items.
Do not send your child to school if they are exhibiting COVID symptoms. If you have questions please email our school nurse, Betsy Hindmarsh, .
If your child is sick, call the absentee line, 781-446-6219, and leave a detailed message regarding your child’s illness.
New Arrival Plan for Walkers and Carline students
New Arrival Time: 8:20-8:30 a.m.
Kindergarten, First grade and new parents/guardians, if you walk your child/children to their line the first days of school, please park in the lower parking lot. Do not park in the carline.
Car line students will exit their car when directed by a Fiske Staff Member. Do not drop your child/children off at the lower parking lot at any time during the school day.
Kindergarten Students will walk with their adult to the primary playground and go to their designated class line. Children will be directed to stand on a dot (6 feet distancing)with their adult until their teacher comes at 8:30 a.m. to bring them into the classroom.
First Grade Students will walk with their adult (if needed) to the primary playground and go to their designated class line. Children will be directed to stand on a dot (6 feet distancing)with their adult until their teacher comes at 8:30 a.m. to bring them into the classroom. There will be staff to help students find their line.
Second Grade Students will walk to the primary playground and go to their designated class line. Children will be directed to stand on a dot (6 feet distancing) until their teacher comes at 8:30 a.m. to bring them into the classroom. There will be staff to help students find their line.
Third Grade Students will line up in front of the school. Each class will have a designated class line. Children will be directed to stand on a dot (6 feet distancing) until their teacher comes at 8:30 a.m. to bring them into the classroom. There will be staff on duty to help students find their line.
4G and 4H Students will walk to the primary playground and past the intermediate playground to line up on the basketball court. For safety reasons do not drop your child off in the lower parking lot. Each class will have a designated class line. Children will be directed to stand on a dot (6 feet distancing) until their teacher comes at 8:30 a.m. to bring them into the classroom. There will be staff on duty to help students find their line.
4O and Fifth Grade Students will walk to the primary playground and line up outside or the intermediate door. For safety reasons do not drop your child off in the lower parking lot. Each class will have a designated class line. Children will be directed to stand on a dot (6 feet distancing) until their teacher comes at 8:30 a.m. to bring them into the classroom. There will be staff on duty to help students find their line.
All bus students will be met at the lower parking lot by a Fiske Staff member and escorted to their class line.
For the safety and health of all we are keeping the arrival period to 10 minutes. If you arrive after 8:30 a.m please call the office from the carline to let us know you are sending your child into the school building. 781-446-6265
New Dismissal Plan for Walkers and Carline students
Dismissal-3:05 p.m.
Bus students will be dismissed from the classroom to their bus lines. A staff member will bring the children to their designated bus.
Children who exit the Fiske campus via Cedar Street will be dismissed from their classroom to the primary playground to meet their parent, guardian or caregiver.
Children who leave school via car line or Hastings Street will be walked with their classroom teacher to a designated area in the front of the building. Children who are walking home will meet their parents, guardian, or caregiver from the designated area in the front of the school to walk home together. Carline students will remain in line(6 feet distancing) until a teacher calls their name to enter their car.
Grade 3-5 students are only allowed to walk home alone with written permission from their parents/guardians.
Once again, we thank you for all the support you have given our school.