
Fiske Families,

Thank you to our amazing teachers for hosting conferences over the last two weeks.  These conferences take time to prepare in order to provide parents and guardians with information about their child’s academic and social emotional growth. Our teachers are truly Fisketastic.



Thank you to Scott Barton for coming to school to share his musical robots with our students.  The students enjoyed learning how to program robots to play a multitude of instruments.  It was amazing!


Student Council

The student council is planning an all school assembly celebrating the diversity of our Fiske community.  As part of this assembly the Student Council is creating a video that includes all of our students and staff.  The Student Council would like to invite families of our students and staff to email a picture of a family celebration, tradition or activity to include in the video. If you would like to share a photo then please email it to Mrs. McGregor at mcgregorr@wellesleyps.org. The deadline for all photos has been changed to Monday, April 8th at 9:00 a.m.  For confidentiality reasoning this video will not be shared outside of the school. 


FYI- MCAS Dates for 2024-

Congratulations to our awesome fourth grade students for finishing the ELA MCAS this week.  Our students worked incredibly hard and we are so proud of them.  On Monday, April 8th and Tuesday, April 9th our third grade students will be participating in the ELA MCAS. Please make sure your child arrives at school by 8:30 a.m. Students who arrive after the assessments begin will have to take it on a test make up day.  



Sign-Up for the 2024 FISKE S.T.E.A.M. FAIR!

Sunday, May 5th

4 – 5:30 pm 

Fiske Elementary School 

Challenge yourself to discover two or more S.T.E.A.M. letters in your project and sign up to share your exhibit with the Fiske community! Get ready to explore your own activities and find some new research ideas!

Sign up online:


Email questions to  Shannon Smith (ssardelli@hotmail.com) or Summer Hawkins (sds_hawkins@hotmail.com)



Important Dates:

  • Monday, April 8th- 3rd Grade ELA MCAS

  • Tuesday, April 9th -3rd Grade ELA MCAS

  • April 15th-19th- April Break

  • Tuesday, April 23rd-METCO Late Day

  • Thursday, April 25th- 3:30-4:30 School Council

  • Monday, April 29th- 5th grade Math MCAS

  • Tuesday, April 30th-5th grade Math MCAS

  • Wednesday May 1st – Walk to School

  • Wednesday, May 1st- METCO Stay Day

  • Thursday, May 2nd Kindergarten Parent 

    Orientation 6:00-7:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, May 6th- 4th grade math MCAS

  • Friday, May 7th- 4th grade math MCAS

  • Wednesday, May 8th- Music Around the World

    • Families of grades K-2 students -8:45-9:45 a.m.

    • Families of grades 3-5 students -10:45-11:45 a.m.

  • Monday, May 13th-3rd grade math MCAS

  • Tuesday, May 14th- 3rd grade math MCAS

  • Wednesday, May 15th – Field Day

  • Thursday, May 16th – 5th grade science MCAS

  • Thursday, May 16th – School Council -3:30-4:30 p.m.

  • Friday, May 17th – 5th grade science MCAS

  • Sunday, May 19th – Science Fair

  • Tuesday, May 21st- METCO Late Day

  • May 22nd-24th – Used Book Fair

  • Wednesday, May 22nd – Field Day rain date

  • Monday, May 27th – No School in observance of Memorial Day

  • Wednesday, May 29th – Instrumental Concert 

  • Tuesday, June 4th – PTO Meeting – 8:45 p.m.

  • Wednesday, June 5th- METCO Stay Day

  • June 5th. 6th, & 7th- 5th Grade to Hale

  • Tuesday, June 11- Fiske Family Picnic-5:30-7:30 p.m.

  • Wednesday, June 12th- Move Up Ceremony-Tentative



Friday Fiske News 4/5/2024