Dear Hardy Families,

Highlight from the past week:
We had our grade level colors School Spirit Day as students came to school dressed in a designated color that was assigned to their grade level. We look forward to other special spirit days that are planned for each of the remaining months of the school year!

5th graders sporting their assigned color purple!

School Council Update:
At our School Council meeting this past week, we continued our work centered around cultural diversity. We specifically looked at diversity in terms of learning differences and physical disability awareness. We were joined by Lisa Goodman, our talented school psychologist. As part of our discussion, Mrs. Goodman shared book titles that could be utilized with students. We also discussed displays to help promote these ideas. Mrs. Goodman plans to share out resources to families that will also help support conversations in the home on this topic. Stay tuned for more updates on the work of the School Council in future principal letters. 

Snack & Lunch reminders:
As we return to more mild weather, we are now continuing with our plan from the fall in having students eat snack and lunch outdoors on days with clear skies and a real feel temperature of 40 degrees or above. Students are reminded to bring their towel/mat to school each day so they are prepared for eating outdoors. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy