Dear Hardy families,

Highlights from the past week:
*Our librarian Mrs. Sheehan was awarded the Massachusetts School Library Association President’s Award. This award honors school librarians making an impact on student learning in their early careers. Congratulations to Mrs. Sheehan! 

*We celebrated Read Across America week (see more information below).

*On Friday, we had a 5th grade planned Hat Day. 

Students with Mr. Guzzi and Mrs. Ullian and their wonderful hats! 

District COVID related protocol changes
As shared in a email that was sent out last Sunday, here are the district COVID-related protocol changes:

We are transitioning from a “mask-mandatory” to a “mask-optional” environment for all students and staff effective Monday, March 7, 2022 with the following exceptions:

  • Health Offices
  • Those returning between days 6 and 10 of a Covid-positive diagnosis as stated in current guidelines. 
  • While WPS no longer conducts contact tracing, a state-wide advisory remains in place recommending mask wearing (10 days from date of exposure) for those who have had a known, prolonged exposure to someone with COVID-19.  


  • Beginning this week, schools will begin to transition to normal, indoor lunches at tables in the cafeteria. At Hardy, we will begin eating in the cafegymatorium from Monday.
  • Outdoor lunches will continue to be encouraged whenever possible.


  • Hardy School has a locked door system. Anyone wishing to enter the school after 8:30 a.m. must enter at the main entrance and be buzzed in. Please go directly to the office and sign in.
  • Parents dropping off children later than the start of school are asked to see that their child gets into the school safely. Parents picking up children before the end of the school day must come to the Hardy office and sign them out. Please tell the secretary and class teacher in advance of the early dismissal. Your child will meet you in the office. 

Performing Arts:

  • Please see letter from Michael LaCava, PreK-12 Director of Performing Arts. Click here.

Field Trips: 
Field trips may be approved with the following considerations:

  • Venues that require proof of vaccination:
    • Field Trip coordinator will need to research venue guidelines and inform students/families of the process involved with regard to providing the documentation on the field trip form. Nursing is unable to provide private health information to third parties. 
    • Implications for those who are unvaccinated.

Celebrating Read Across America!
Read Across America day was Wednesday March 2nd. As a way to celebrate our Hardy readers and foster our Hardy community of reading, our librarian, Mrs. Sheehan, pulled together a “You’ve Been Book’d” activity for all classrooms to participate in through the first few weeks of March. A selection of 12 books was curated for all classes to read and pass around until all classes have read all twelve books.  Books were selected based on these criteria:  

1) Books reflect that we are diverse readers with diverse experiences. The theme for Read Across America is “Celebrating a nation of diverse readers” and the collection of twelve books aligns with that theme. 

2) Books are both newly published and new to our library, and are shared in the hopes that both teachers and students may find new favorites.

3) Books are great to share with all grades: K-5.

Each morning students find a new book in a “You’ve Been Book’d” bag hanging on their classroom door.  At some point during the day the book is shared and enjoyed as a whole class read aloud.  Next, students pack the book back in its bag and pass it on to the next classroom, and then wait for a new bag to be delivered to their door

Once all classes have shared all the books they will be displayed in the library and students will participate in a culminating activity celebrating our community reading. Ask your student to tell you about a book they’ve really enjoyed so far!

CASEL competency focus for March- Social Awareness 
For the month of March, we are focused on Social Awareness. As part of this students will learn that social awareness is the ability to understand the perspective of others and empathize with others. The Hardy community will focus on perspective taking and identifying other peoples’ feelings. Through read-alouds, group activities and shared language, students will learn about social awareness.

Faculty parking lot reminder
Please do NOT leave or park your car in the faculty parking lot during dismissal (2:45-3:15) times. Please do not use the faculty lot as a pick-up area. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith 

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