Dear Hardy families,

Highlights from the past week:
*Students began eating their lunches in the cafegymatorium. 

*As part of our CASEL competency focus for the month of March – Social Awareness, a new bulletin board was put up on display in the hallway. This display will hopefully help students to understand the concepts that are being presented in their classrooms.


METCO Family Friends
We are planning to relaunch the METCO Family Friends program for the remainder of the year. This involves volunteer Wellesley families being matched to a Hardy METCO student. Playdates take place once a month on Wednesday afternoon in the home of the Wellesley host family. We are looking for a Wellesley parent(s) to help support the organization/recruitment of Wellesley families. If you are interested, please email me directly. Thank you for your consideration. 

Shamrock Shuffle – Walk to School
On Thursday, we will have our Shamrock Shuffle. Students are encouraged to be healthy and green by walking to school!

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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