Dear Hardy families,

Thank you to all who participated in the Wellesley Veterans Day parade!  It was great to see the Hardy community out showing support for Veterans who have served our country!

Students promoting the Veterans Day parade at drop off this past week. 

Wellesley Veterans Day Parade

Walk to School Wednesday
The monthly Walk to School Days have returned to Hardy this year! We will kick off the year with our first one on International Walk to School Day, this Wednesday, October 6th. Future dates will be posted in the Hardy Highlights and on Mr. Guzzi’s website. Students can walk, bike, or roll to school. Mr. Guzzi will have a table set up outside the side door on Hardy Road and will write down the names of students who participated on a poster to be displayed in school. Students will also get a sticker to wear. Parents can park somewhere close to school and they can walk a short distance to school if they live far away. Students who must take the bus can still participate by walking down to the big structure and back twice. We hope you can join us!

Buddy classes
We are excited to announce that we’ll be having assigned buddy classes this year. Younger students will have the benefit of a student role model in an older student. Older students will have the chance to be student leaders for their younger buddies. Buddy classes will meet outside to do activities including playing a game, sharing a published piece of writing, or even exchanging cards around certain events (Valentine’s Day, etc). Hopefully this connection will help to promote character development and positive connections within the Hardy community.

Have a great week!

Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith

Hello Hardy
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