Hello Hardy!
Highlights from the past week:
We participated in Massachusetts STEAM week as students completed puzzles tied to spatial reasoning. See more information below.
On Friday, we had a School Spirit Day as students showed off their Husky spirit!
We are excited to report that the playground is scheduled to open on Wednesday. As part of the opening, our Fitness & Health teacher Mr. Guzzi will be going over playground expectations with students on Wednesday to make sure the playground is used in safe and appropriate ways.
STEAM Week Information
This year, STEM week in Massachusetts was celebrated this past week. In Wellesley we say STEAM to acknowledge the art and creativity involved in STEM. This year, Wellesley elementary schools focused on the Math in STEAM with our students. During this week, your child explored and tried to solve a challenging spatial puzzle.
Why a Spatial Puzzle? What’s important about Spatial Reasoning?
Spatial reasoning provides multiple entry points and equitable access to mathematics.
Spatial reasoning is critical to mathematics and to STEAM more broadly. Research indicates a strong relationship between spatial reasoning and mathematics achievement across grades.
Spatial reasoning is also an important predictor of achievement in STEAM careers.
Spatial reasoning is malleable and can be improved at any age.
Spatial puzzles are fun and provide productive struggle.
If you are interested in continuing and enriching this type of spatial reasoning for your child at home, there are many commercial activities available. Here is a list of a variety of spatial awareness games for elementary age children. Pease reach out to Toni Carlson at carlsont@wellesleyps.org if you have any questions about STEAM week.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
We will begin parent-teacher conferences this week. As part of this, parents/guardians and teachers will come together to discuss students and establish a shared vision for student success.
Lost and Found
A table will be set up near the office with lost and found items. Please check it out when you are here for conferences, and encourage your children to look for any missing clothing, water bottles, etc. We will donate unclaimed items to a local charity.
Attention K-3 Families
The mCLASS/DIBELS reports for your child are available in Powerschool.
Pumpkin Parade Reminder
On Thursday, October 31st at 8:45 AM, we will have a first ever Pumpkin Parade at Hardy. In celebration of fall, students are invited to bring in a decorated pumpkin (That can comfortably be carried into school, so not too big or heavy)
Pumpkins are to be brought to school on Oct. 31st. These will be positioned outside in front of the building throughout the front plaza. Parents/guardians are invited to view these pumpkins. Come to the outside of the front of the building at 8:45 AM for this event. Parents/guardians can park along the driveway loop, right hand side only (starting at 8:35 AM). Students will start off standing by their own pumpkins (which will be arranged by class) and then they will parade through our line of pumpkins to view all others.
No School this Friday
In honor of Diwali, we will not have school this Friday.
Letter from School Nurse Warmington Click here.
No Idling Reminder During Pick Up
As a friendly reminder, in accordance with Mass. state law a car cannot be idling more than 5 minutes unless it is being serviced or it is being used to deliver or accept goods where engine assisted power is necessary. Therefore, please keep cars turned off while waiting in the pick up lane. Once the car lane starts to move, cars should be turned on as caregivers move up in the car line.
Playing Cards/Baseball Cards/Pokemon Cards
Parents/guardians are asked to have their children keep all playing cards at home. We want to make sure that cards are not becoming a distraction in school. Thanks for your cooperation.
Staffing News
Lisa Rogers, our substitute librarian, will be leaving Hardy at the end of the month, as she is supporting her husband with some medical issues. Please join me in wishing Lisa well and our thoughts and prayers go out to her husband. Kitty Cort, one of our talented building substitutes, will be teaching library classes in the month of November. Liz Perriello, our permanent librarian, will be back from her maternity leave on December 2nd.
Respectfully yours,
Grant Smith