Hello Hardy Families, Here are a few recent or upcoming happenings at Hardy or the larger Wellesley community: Supporting children with processing the events that took place in Washington DC I wanted to share with you how teachers at Hardy… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Families, I hope everyone had a safe and healthy vacation week! Highlight from the week before vacation: We had all-school pajama days on the Monday and Tuesday before the vacation. First graders and Building Aide, Mrs. Ullian sporting… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Families, Highlight from the past week We had a special school assembly this past week as Matt Wilhelm, world champion BMX biker, shared a virtual program that included highly engaging bike tricks and a message about beating the… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Families, As it’s been a while since we shared our car line procedures at the beginning of the year, we thought it would be helpful to remind families of our expectations. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation! Car… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Families
Dear Hardy Families, I hope everyone is off to a good start to December in spite of all the ongoing challenges tied to current events. Tent Removal As many families have already noticed, our tent has been removed. We learned… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy Families, Highlights from the past week It was great to see students and staff wearing their Hardy gear as part of our school spirit days on Thursday and Friday! 2nd graders showing their Hardy spirit. Go Huskies! We… Continue reading Hello Hardy Families
Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy Families, Here are a few updates of both recent and upcoming special events at Hardy: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Update This past week we had our first meeting of the Hardy Staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee. This… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Dear Hardy Families, As we wrapped up our parent-teacher conferences this past week, we hope that there has been a strong connection established between the home and the school as we work together to help support student success! Schedule Note… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Dear Hardy Families, Welcome to November! As we had our first School Spirit days this past week, it was great to see students and staff wearing their Hardy gear or Hardy color (red) to show school spirit as a proud… Continue reading Hello Hardy
Hello Hardy
Dear HardyFamilies, It was great seeing you this past week during Back to School Night! Calendar Notes: Tuesday, October 27th: Cohort B in-person for 1/2 day a.m.; Cohort A remote for 1/2 day a.m.; DISMISSAL IS AT 12 NOON; conferences in p.m. Wednesday, October 28th:… Continue reading Hello Hardy